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Za výbornú cenu tri tituly
od fotografa
Tibora Huszára
Coffee Time
Today it is no longer a matter of taste as to how and which coffee we drink, as it is even more important where we enjoy it. A multitude of new cafés, coffee shops and coffeehouses around the world honor a centuries old tradition, setting thereby new design trends. The task is to create communicative and inspiring locations and spaces, which at the same time measure up to the functional demands of the catering trade. The design solutions are as varied as the concepts, the transitions to lounge, club or r...
cena: 31.67€, zľava: 12%
Viac o titule Kúpiť
Outdoor Living
Wim Pauwels
cena: 87.12€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
Designing and furnishing a house is not a process that stops at the back door. What happens in the garden is just as important and carries on from the style adopted indoors. Design-oriented outdoor furniture ha...
The 100 Best Bathrooms
Wim Pauwels
cena: 43.08€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
This innovative new series documents, through the use of stunning colour photographs, 100 of the very best designs and projects relating to a specific room or feature. Each title displays a variety of different...
The 100 Best Contemporary Interiors
Wim Pauwels
cena: 43.08€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
This innovative new series documents, through the use of stunning colour photographs, 100 of the very best designs and projects relating to a specific room or feature. Each title displays a variety of different...
The 100 Best Interiors and Houses in Wood
Wim Pauwels
cena: 43.08€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
This innovative new series documents, through the use of stunning colour photographs, 100 of the very best designs and projects relating to a specific room or feature. Each title displays a variety of different...
The 100 Best Kitchens & Dining Rooms
Wim Pauwels
cena: 43.08€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
This innovative new series documents, through the use of stunning colour photographs, 100 of the very best designs and projects relating to a specific room or feature. Each title displays a variety of different...
Wood at Home
Wim Pauwels
cena: 60.68€, zľava: 12% Viac o titule Kúpiť
Wood has very many positive attributes as a natural construction material, but was for a long time neglected in the architecture of western Europe. However, this situation has changed a great deal over the cour...
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